Friday, September 23, 2011

Go Tarheels

Look who's popular even halfway around the world...

This is Michelle, one of our staff's daughters.  She is absolutely adorable and was wearing Mike's hat and watch around earlier this week.  Guess it's true... Carolina girls really are the "best in the WORLD!"

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mike and Jess,

    We are so excited for you guys! It's so beautiful there and I can't wait to read these posts and hear about how God is working in place where he's put you. Can I get your mailing address and a list of things you think you need over there? Also, if there are specific things that the organization needs, material or monetary, please let me know and I can work on some fundraising here. The Harmers had their baby today. No word on a name for baby girl #3 yet, but everyone seems to be doing fine. A special day for Chris and I as it's our anniversary. The pictures are beautiful, I can't imagine everything you must be seeing and experiencing. Can't wait to read these posts. Please take care!
    In his love,
    Chris and Dani
