Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sweet Sunday

Today has been a sweet day.  Each Sunday morning, a handful of our sponsored children meet us at the Children of Grace compound for church.  This week, Paul was unfortunately not feeling well so just Mike and I walked with the kids to church.  The service is held outside every week at the pastor's home just around the corner from the CoG compound.  They have a beautiful yard and it is such a joy to worship the Lord amidst His amazing creation!  And no, that is not astroturf in their yard.  Uganda really is THAT green!

After the service, we walked back to the compound and decided to spend a little more time with the kids.  It was a such a special time!  We took them into town to grab a light lunch of rolex.  Here's how wikipedia describes rolex, for those of you who are unfamiliar... "Rolex consists of a fresh omellette, finely sliced tomatoes and cabbages, chopped onions and green pepper rolled in freshly made Chapati, hence the name Rolex ("rolled eggs"). Though it may be considered a snack, many find it adequate enough for a quick lunch or supper.  Rolex is usually sold by street food vendors, who set up their charcoal stoves, metal hot plates and chopping boards in popular eating and night life areas."  Yum!

We found a shady place to sit and enjoyed our lunch and read a few Bible stories.  What a treat to talk with these kids about the gift God gave us in Jesus and how He should be our greatest treasure!

These are precious children and a joy to be around!  After driving them home, we continued to reflect on what a gift it was to us to spend time with them today.  The sermon this morning happened to be on the passage in Matthew 19 where people begin bringing little children to Jesus and the disciples rebuke them and try to turn them away.  But Jesus shows His love and compassion for these little ones in His words, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" (Matt. 19:14).  What a gift to play a small role in pointing these kids toward Christ!

It has been easy over the past week to feel bogged down with the more monotonous tasks we are working on here.  Much of our time has been spent in the office working on things that need to get done for Children of Grace to run well as an organization.  All of these things are good but it can be tough to see how we are making a difference.  While trying to offer ourselves grace knowing that we have only been here a few short weeks, we are longing for connections with the children we came here to serve.  And God is gracious!  He provides little glimpses and reminders of the ways He is working all around us.  Oh how I long to trust Him with the faith of a little child!  How easy it can be to lose sight of His many blessings and the chance to be involved in His work.  May we be faithful day by day with the work God has given us here in Uganda.  And may we count it a blessing to have even a small role in bringing these children to a greater understanding of who Jesus is and the full life He offers!  Pray that even when we feel uncertain of our purpose here that we might learn to TRUST the ONE who called us to this place. 

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.  -Hebrews 10:23

* We'd also like to wish a VERY happy birthday to my Daddy and precious friend, Meredith!  Wish we could be there to celebrate with you today!  Miss you and love you both!


  1. Love reading your update! Hope everything continues to go well! Miss y'all and am praying for you!

  2. Awwww Samuel!!! I love sweet samuel.

  3. Thank you for sharing - I look eagerly to reading about your adventures!
