Monday, August 22, 2011

Just a few more days...

We have had a busy but blessed past several weeks as we've prepared for our departure! At 6am on Tuesday morning we will leave Raleigh to fly to Uganda for this exciting adventure! We would love your prayers for safety in our travels and peace as we begin to settle into our new lives. And for those of you who are interested, here's a recap of life since leaving Arlington...
  • moved all of our possessions into Jess' parents garage
  • celebrated our one year anniversary
  • spent a few days at the beach for Mike's family reunion
  • joyfully liquidated Mike's car
  • fixed the air conditioning in Jess' car, which broke in the middle of those 110 degree days
  • Jess had laser eye surgery to correct her horrible vision for good
  • visited with friends in Raleigh and Charlotte
  • ate like it was our last day to live (we're thinking pizza and ice cream will be less readily available in Uganda)
  • spent numerous hours making phone calls to insurance companies, banks, cell phone companies, etc. trying to wrap up loose ends here before moving overseas
  • shopped at costco, sam's, and walmart for necessities for the year
  • celebrated our nephew's first birthday
  • spent time with Jess' family at the beach (complete with a visit from her brother from NYC)
  • raised every bit of the support we were hoping for (praise the Lord!!)
  • said some very tough goodbyes
What a joyful time this has been! It has been bittersweet as we've had more time with those near and dear to us recently than normal and yet, that is making it more difficult to leave them now. We are incredibly blessed by the amazing people in our lives and that is what we are going to miss the most! We have been blown away by the way God has provided for our monetary needs for the coming year and have been overwhelmed by the generosity of so many of our friends and family. What an amazing sacrifice and gift that enables us to serve the children of Uganda through you! We are so thankful for the chance to share our journey in Uganda with you and covet your prayers as we seek to glorify the Lord in the work to which He has called us.

Below are a few photos from these past several weeks. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! You will be missed! Brent and I will be praying for you!! :)
    xo, Melody & Brent
