Monday, August 29, 2011

We're here!

Well actually, we've been here for five days now. The trip here was incredibly smooth and uneventful. Praise the Lord! We were thankful to get here safely with all our belongings in tow. We have felt covered in prayer as we are settling into our new life here in Jinja.

First impressions:
  • Uganda is truly beautiful! Lots of green everywhere and blue skies every day (well, almost every day... it has been raining all day today but it has made for a relaxing Sunday).
  • The traffic in Kampala (the capital) and on the roads between there and Jinja is crazy! And they definitely do not have emissions standards quite like Northern Virginia... the pollution is unbelievable but the scenery is amazing!
  • The people are kind and welcoming.
  • Jinja is the perfect sized town with a few really great restaurants, a market with tons of fresh fruits and vegetables, and grocery stores but without all the congestion of a big city.
  • Lake Victoria and the Nile River are absolutely gorgeous!  What a gift to be able to see them on a daily basis!
What we're up to:
  • We are staying with the Gibsons on the Children of Grace compound until our apartment is ready in a couple of weeks. They have been wonderful and we have loved getting to know them better!
  • This week we have been getting over the exhaustion caused by our travel and a few nights of minimal sleep before our departure.
  • Starting tomorrow we will begin to really get our feet wet and jump into the work we will be doing with Children of Grace.
  • We have started making lots of friends already! The connections here are's a small world after all. There are plenty of Mzungus (the Ugandan word for "white people") working here in Jinja for other non-profit organizations and it has been a great blessing to already have a sense of community while so far from home.
God is good! And our transition has been smooth so far. Thank you for all your prayers... we are incredibly blessed and can't tell you what a difference your prayers make!! Miss you all!


  1. Love the update!! We'll continue to pray for you guys. Miss you!

  2. Did you buy a can of 'Doom' yet? Maybe you won't need it! Love the pics and glad you are getting your own place soon...
    Mary Ann
